Saint Sarkis Cathedral is an Armenian Apostolic church in Tehran, Iran.
The construction of St. Sarkis Church in Tehran began from 1964 and was complete by 1970. The church was built by Sarkisian brothers in memory of their parents.At beginning the Tehran prelacy was located at conjunction of St. Mother Mary Church in central Tehran. In the early 1960s it was decided to change the site of the prelacy offices into new location. So therefore the bishop and committee members of the time requested to an Armenian benefactor Markar Sarkissian to help them in this cause. So the committee bought the land located at end of Villa Street (now called Nejatollahi Street). In 2006 Mr. Hrair Hagopian renovated the baptism pool and the church in memory of his beloved wife Vartoohi Davidian.
Built between 1964 and 1970 and paid for by benefactor Markar Sarkissian, the white, twin-spired church is interesting less for its beauty than its place as the centre of Christianity in the Islamic Republic. It sits at the edge of the Armenian quarter to the south.Although most of the Christians in Iran are Armenians, there’s also a sprinkling of Protestants, Assyrians, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, all of whom have churches in Tehran, most behind large walls in the same district as Sarkis Cathedral.
cathedrals of Iran – cathedrals of Tehran