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Women Travelers in Iran

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Women Travelers in Iran

Is Women Safety in Iran?
Iran is a safe country and many women travel to Iran alone without facing any issues.

Although women can expect to be stared at whilst walking along the street, staring is more often out of interest rather than aggression or anger. Many women report that ignoring the staring is effective; however offering a smile will reap more rewards!

In major cities of Iran, there is a Tourist Police Station in touristic places which provide travelers with information and security. People are also accustomed to seeing individual women travelers and they are warmly welcomed by locals and families.

However, all tourists traveling either individually or in groups should consider that there are general precautions to be taken all around the world and Iran is not an exception.

Women Clothing in Iran
You can choose your clothes using different forms and colors. According to the Islamic rules, women must cover all parts of their body (and hair) except face and hands. Religious women in Iran prefer to wear chador which is a black gown covering from top to the toe. Most of the women prefer to wear a manteau which can be long, short, tight, loose and in different colors although they must not be too short or too tight. For example, 10 cm above the knee is an acceptable length for a manteau. The scarf or the Shawl can also be colorful. In fact, women’s clothing has great variety in form and color in Iran. Many girls might prefer to wear black because it is more formal, especially at work. Foreign women must also cover their hair with a scarf or a shawl and they can wear rather long and loose blouses with long sleeves. They must wear trousers or loose skirts that cover the body to the ankles. However, Iranian girls usually prefer wearing jeans. With regard to footwear, you can wear any kind of boots, shoes, and sandals.

Check out our Iran Practical Guide and read more: Dress Code In Iran

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